Questions: Interpersonal Communication

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Business Communication Interpersonal communication ( part 2 in Q3) Interpersonal communication is a process of exchanging information which takes place in the organization between people as co-workers, managers and subordinates. Interpersonal communication requires cultivating skills in various areas such as listening, conversation, nonverbal and networking. Listening: Listening is a very essential part for communication as it is a crucial skill for building trust between people in the workplace. Listening is not just limited to the spoken words only, however, listening embodies considering what is between the lines as well as feelings that reveal the speaker's intention such as being accepted or rejected. Some listening errors can occur…show more content…
It is a skill that indicates the conversational patterns which is used to show interest, politeness and appropriateness between people in the workplace. Conversational style is consisted to the following features: • Fast rate of speech; the rate of how fast the speaker talks. Talking fast can be frustrating to the slow speaker receiver. Talking slow can turn off the fast speaker receiver. • Fast rate of turn-taking; the rate of wanting to take the turn to speak as fast as possible. • Persistence in taking the turn; inciting of taking the turn to speak by any means • Preference for personal stories; • Preference for simultaneous speech • Abrupt topic shifting; moving from topic to topic. Conflicts and miscommunication may occur in the workplace due to the difference in conversational style. For example, some people take direct questions as offensive or criticizing as "can I have this report by tomorrow" is an offensive way from the speaker to ask for the report to be finished and submitted by the next day.  Mention an incident of misunderstanding that happened because of different conversational…show more content…
Instead it is expressed through the use of facial expressions, the tone of the voice body language, physical distance between the communicators, pleasure and even anger. However, nonverbal communication is very effective as it can give hints and further information above the other type of communication with is the verbal one. Nonverbal communication helps building the image that is wanted to present. A nonverbal symbol can have different meanings across cultures and even within the same culture itself. There is two important types of nonverbal signs: spatial cues and body language. Spatial cues: This type of nonverbal communication refers to the space management, size and privacy of one's office in the organization. How is the director of finance is separated or his office from those workers in the same department? For example, the director have is own office and door but on the other side the workers must share one office. Finance department Body language: This type of nonverbal communication is based on the movements of the body that gives signals to the receiver. Body language is divided into two; open body position and defensive body
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