Examples Of Descriptive Statistics

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4.5.1 Descriptive Statistics Descriptive statistics describe the measure of central tendency and dispersion for the data. These include the mean, median, mode skewness, variance maximum and minimum values. Table 4.10 provides the descriptive statistics for Economic Growth, Government investment in education, Gross enrollment ratio for primary, Gross enrollment ratio for secondary, pupil per teacher ratio. Table 4. 10: Descriptive Statistics for the Variables in the Study Descriptive statistics GDP GIE PSE PTR SSE Mean 4.683206 5.945844 102.4499 28.51572 39.17139 Median 4.192051 5.924020 105.0278 24.23432 39.62695 Maximum 22.17389 8.400000 119.8757 57.00000 72.40000 Minimum -0.799 3.929820 64.68438 14.85885 17.34272 Std. Dev. 4.186979 0.957753…show more content…
PSE is positively skewed and Jarque Bera indicates that it is normally distributed. For PTR the mean value was 28.51 with the maximum being 57 and the minimum being 14.86.the standard deviation was 11.84.PTR is positively skewed and Jarque Bera indicates that it is normally distributed. For SSE the mean value was 39.17 with the maximum being 72.4 and the minimum being 17.34.the standard deviation was 12.59.SSE is positively skewed and Jarque Bera shows that it is not normally distributed. 4.5.2 Test for Stationarity Before performing analysis on data it is important to test for stationarity of the data. If data is stationary then it can be used for analysis. However if it is non stationery the results will be spurious and hence we need to convert the data to become stationary. The test for stationarity that is employed in this study is Augmented Dickey Fuller test. Table 4.11 presents the findings for the tests of stationarity. The criterion for stationarity is that if the test statistic is less than the critical value then we conclude that there is no unit root in the

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