Sampling Method In Statistics

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3.2 Sampling Method 3.2.1 Target Population The population is the name for the large general group of many cases from which researcher draws a sample which is usually stated in theoretical terms. While the target population is the name for the large general group of many cases from which a sample is drawn and which is specified in very concrete terms (W.Lawrence Neuman, 2008). Therefore, the target population of this research study will target the university’s students which are male and female who are aged between 18-24 years old and currently study in Multimedia University in Malacca Campus. 3.2.2 Sampling Element The sampling element is the unit of analysis or cases in population and it can be a person, a group, an organization or an arrest…show more content…
This descriptive research involves the identification of the attributed based on the observational basis or the exploration of correlation between two or more phenomenon. Descriptive statistics are crucial as the researchers use this method to organize data into pattern in order to reduce the data to manageable form. The researcher can collect the descriptive data by using the observation method and survey method. In this research study, survey method is used to distribute the questionnaires to respondents and next collect back the questionnaires from respondents and lastly the researchers do the analysis purposes by using the collected data from the…show more content…
For the better clarification of each question that take extra careful when in designing the questionnaires. The questions used in the questionnaire is fixed alternatives questions. Fixed alternatives questions are specific and provide limited options to the respondents. This research study can direct get the feedback and response from the respondents so that the information will be collected from the respondents are more accuracy. For the layout of the questionnaire, there is a brief introduction and purpose of conducting this research are attached on the cover page. This questionnaire is in English language as the respondents are appropriate and understand with the questions. Besides that, the questionnaire is divided into two parts which are Section A and Section B. For the Section A is about the demographic profile of the respondents. While for the Section B is about the construct measurement. In Section A, demographic profile of the respondents will be asked such as age, gender, races, courses, current year of study. This helps to determine the respondents’ profile. In this section, the respondents are required to choose one answer from the alternative answer
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