Advantages Of Descriptive Statistics

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However, statistics used in courts have certain characteristics of descriptive statistics, as this type of statistics allows for the presentation of the data in a form in which can be controlled as well as managed through an easier way. If you have a large group of people, and you record their interests per say, the use of descriptive statistics will allow it to be much more manageable as well as easier to be organized into a numerical whole value as well as other visual forms such as graphs and charts. This allows for the statistical data to be one value that will summarize the majority, in order to facilitate the overall general average of a certain population. However, this becomes a dilemma with cases, as this only includes the value of the majority, not considering whether or not that particular case is an outlier and does not correspond to the data that is presented. A particular analysis that is used during this process, is the univariate analysis, which involves the examination of across these cases at the rate of one variable at a time. The characteristics to this single variable includes dispersion, the distribution and the central tendency. Distribution is the overall frequency of the individual value for each one of the…show more content…
This allows the measurement of the distribution of the data in order to facilitate the presentation and organization of the data. In a particular cases, a racial injustice in employment lawsuit, statistics used involve race, gender, age. This evidence is considered to be circumstantial evidence. In a specific case of convicted murder, misleading statistics were showed as facts. “The Sally Clark jury was told by Prof Sir Roy Meadow that the chances of a mother losing two babies to sudden infant death syndrome were "one in 73 million". The figure was compiled from national child mortality statistics” (Derbyshire,

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