Examples Of Assertiveness

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Again... and again… and again people tend to do very poorly in their own everyday jobs. We see these ideologies on the news everyday about deranged police officers, corrupted politicians, teachers presenting one-sided arguments, and construction workers getting hurt by fellow co-workers. In general, when I see all these stories of people failing in these careers there always an immense fear of failing in my own righteous career path of wanting to be a part of Human Resources Management. In order, to get over that fear I needed to divide the purpose on what it actually takes to be effective, crucial, and relevant to do an outstanding job in this career path. The characters traits that I personally incited to be the most crucial to do an outstanding…show more content…
Assertiveness partakes well in this field because people need to listen, comprehend, and understand what you are always trying to get across. An example of this, is that if you were trying to train someone on the job they need to be able to fully understand you. In contrast, assertiveness will help guide through that process of people understanding of what your teaching them because you will have an attribute where they will be able listen, comprehend, and think about what you are saying. In addition, another great example of assertiveness in the Human Resource Management team would be if you are having a meeting with your fellow co-workers and your trying to get a point across to improve the attributes you are having a meeting with them about. The trait of being assertiveness will help deliver the message you are trying to comply with your co-workers and your coworkers will look up to you for that. This is due to the fact, that the trait of assertiveness will help develop that leadership skill. In which, this will lead for your coworkers to look up to you in these critical business decisions that you guys are having a meeting about. Now on the other hand, some say that assertiveness is not the best trait to have with being a part of Human Recourses Management team because coworkers will think that your assertiveness makes you feel too…show more content…
Self-discipline helps guide the way through the emotional stages of this career and the time management park of the career. An example, of the emotional stages of this career that self-discipline will help which is actually firing people. Self- discipline will help you organize your thoughts and control your personal feelings when you have to complete that task. For an example, sometimes when you have to fire these people the employees will blame you for it and use everything in their power to degrade you vocally. In these situations, you need to be self-disciplined in the way you can handle what is being thrown at you and the ability to control these types of situations. Another example, of why self-discipline is a key part of this field is because you need to be able to time management your projects. One, thing about the Human Resource Management field is that businesses are regularly throwing a ton of tasks due at certain times of the week. If you do not have the self-discipline to organize these tasks and complete these tasks on the deadlines you will never reach department’s
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