Essay On Assertiveness

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4. Arena and the blind spot form part of extroverts because the things they do are mostly known by others. This involves doing things that are visible to the next person, for example, being trustworthy. Not everyone can be trustworthy, it takes the strength to be able to differentiate between right and wrong. Extroverts think as they speak, and they are outgoing and outspoken people, they spend most of their time around people. Arena and the blind spot accept change easily and can openly communicate about themselves with anyone, the problem is that they get distracted very easily. -Façade and the unknown on the other hand form part of the introverts, this kind of people are usually isolated and enjoys the company of few closed ones. They often…show more content…
Assertiveness is the self-assurance and confidence without being aggressive towards others. This includes a person’s behavior and how they treat others. Assertiveness is often compared to self-esteem. The term assertiveness was popularized by books such as ‘’Your Perfect Right; A Guide To Assertive Behavior (1970), taken from Wikipedia. The communication of assertiveness involves respect for others and knowing which boundaries never to cross. Incase an individual cross these boundaries, communication is key to preventing escalation. Assertive people often share their feelings, thought and desires and they always try to maintain a healthy relationship with others. They are not rebellious, and they have control over their anger. This kind of people rather talk something out and prevent…show more content…
As an individual you make your own choices in life, sometimes they affect the people around you, but you don’t always have to put your happiness aside for someone else. Being honest always help the inner you to accept who you are, if you have strong moral principles, no one has the right to dictate what happens in your life. Integrity and accountability are often referred to as one because you live up to your own choices and hold yourself accountable if you make a mistake. If one of your learners fail, you are held accountable as a teacher but sometimes it is not the teachers fault. You have to make a choice, it’s either back off and take the blame or stand up to it make it
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