The Guilty Of Socrates In Plato's The Apology

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Socrates would have been guilty of all three of his accusations during his day and age, however, in today’s day and age Socrates would be innocent of all of his accusations. In Socrates time, he was absolutely guilty for his first charge because the freedom of speech did not exist like it does today. In Plato’s book, The Apology, The first accusation Meletus made against Socrates was that he was corrupting the youth by teaching things that were in contradiction of the government’s law. This is one example of an innocent act of teaching done regularly in today’s world, but was strongly looked down upon during this period of time. Today, we have many people teaching the youth things that would not exactly follow the laws due to having religions, cultures, or beliefs that differ from those of the laws, making Socrates’ acts of teaching innocent. The people of Athens were afraid that allowing people like Socrates to teach these things would cause the youth to break away from the laws and create chaos. Socrates asked Meletus “Who is it that improves them? (24d)” which caused Meletus to stumble on the question and respond that the laws are…show more content…
Socrates was said to be corrupting the youth by educating them using the Socratic Method. Socrates is innocent in today’s rules because his intentions were to help the youth learn how to think for themselves and have their own beliefs. Socrates defines his intentions by asking "either I’m not corrupting the young or, if I am corrupting them, it’s unintentionally, so that in either case what you say is false. (25e)” Socrates was guilty by the laws of Athens since they were unsure what could result from his teachings among the youth. He had the youth questioning their leaders and beliefs because of this method of teaching, which is a typical thing that people question in society
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