Evidence Informed Practice

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Evidence Informed Practice A. S University of Toronto NUR 351 Every day health care professionals make dozens of conscious and unconscious decisions that have lasting impacts on health outcomes. While, it might be assumed that each decision is made based on sound research evidence, Kessenich, Guyatt and Dicenso (1997) suggest that many clinical decisions are made based on tradition, rule of thumb or ritual (Kessneich, Guyatt & Dicenso. 1997). The concept of evidence informed practice (EIP) aims to addresses this issue by encouraging practitioners to question how they are making clinical decisions and to seek evidence to support interventions. In this essay I explore how I used evidence informed practice in a clinical situation…show more content…
Therefore, they promote the adoption of the term evidence-informed practice (EIP), that incorporates the concepts of EBM and advocates for the integration of research evidence with evidence from patient preferences, clinical experience and local contexts (CNA, 2010). When put into practice EIP is an ongoing process involving multiple steps: the clinician must search for the best evidence for an intervention, appraise the evidence, integrate this information with their clinical experience and patient preference and then evaluate the effectiveness of the decision or intervention (CNA, 2010). In my clinical example I was able to use evidence informed practice in three distinct ways first I used documents based on best evidence and systemic review called best practice guidelines (BPG), second, I sought out new evidence when I was unsure about the effectiveness of an intervention, and third, I allowed the opportunity for the patient to make an informed decision that aligned with her personal preferences and…show more content…
According to the Canadian Nursing Association (CNA, 2014) best practice guidelines are statements based on best evidence that can guide clinical decision-making (CNA, 2010). In my clinical example I used BPGs to advocate for skin-to-skin contact based on recent best evidence from a credible source, the World Health Organization. Knowing that the BPG was best on best evidence it allowed me to feel confident in the safety and effectiveness of the intervention. Further, armed with concrete evidence I was able to answer difficult questions posed by the client as well as, provide more in depth education on the benefits for the
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