Forensic Psychologists

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In order for forensic psychologists to all approach and handle a situation in similar manners, a set of guidelines and principles are necessary to formulate that cohesiveness. Along with the American Psychological Association (APA) Code of Ethics, forensic psychologists follow the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists, which were developed to better relate to the dilemmas these psychologists face when working along side law obligations. These ethical guidelines are not mandated as direct steps that must be followed, they are there to be seen as a guide to help psychologists when entering a situation in which they feel they need assistance in order provide necessary services in an ethical way. These guidelines are also beneficial…show more content…
Forensic psychologists differ from general psychologists for the reason that they are expected to have a significant degree of knowledge when it comes to understanding the law and all that goes along with it such as rules and regulations, polices ands practices where as general psychologist do not. Forensic psychologists can be asked by lawyers to be expert witnesses, the expert must provide information for the need of the lawyer, if failed to do so, they could face consequences for their actions. While providing information to the court case, the psychologists must also protect their client and make sure they are following the APA Code of Ethics. It is important for forensic psychologists to have this knowledge and know their degree of competence when asked to appear in court give testimony and so on. Forensic psychologists may face the dilemma of whether or not they have the amount of competence to provide the court or with the information that is wanted. Before agreeing complete an assessment on must remind themselves of their boundaries of competence and make sure they are able to provide appropriate services. In the manner that a psychologist does not entail the knowledge that is necessary, this could harm their client, the victim of the crime, or the overall public. Psychologists must maintain their competence when facing courts, if necessary. Not only could it put the public in danger if someone is not found guilty for a crime they committed, it could affect the client if they are found guilty when innocent or vice versa. As well as it could effect the severity of the sentence whether it be more than it should be or less, and this could affect the client in a certain way where they need more attention from the

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