Evidence Based Decision-Making Analysis

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Evidence Based Decision-Making Supports Quality Safe Care In 1996, Sacket, Rosenberg, Gray, and Richardson identified the increasing emphasis on evidence based practice, stating that nurses must be prudent and diligent when making decisions for nursing care by using only the most up to date and accurate information to base their clinical decisions upon. More recently, decision making models have been brought to the forefront as excellent tools nursing students and novice nurses can use when transferring evidence into useable knowledge for practice. The decision making models highlight the importance of assessments, identifying the problem, evidence informed interventions, and finally re-evaluation. The decision making models assist nurses…show more content…
Carper theorized that there are at least four ways of knowing in nursing: empirical, aesthetic, intuitive, and personal knowing. Earlier decision making models that were linear in progression and had a top down approached relied too heavily on empirical knowing, and gave little credence to the other methods of knowing or what is now called coming to know. This coming to know knowledge is described by Tanner (2006) as nurses taken for granted understanding of patients by working with them and hearing about their experiences. Often this type of knowing is difficult to articulate, even for…show more content…
Muir goes on to write that many nurses use human sources of information to base their decision on and that solely relying on this source can be flawed, open to errors, and potentially biased (2006). Nurses can avoid these potential problems through the process of reflection and considering errors that can occur through this type decision-making (Muir, 2006). Critical refection of decision making-processes allows the practitioner to continuously ask questions and inquire about what is unknown and seek new knowledge as they execute decision making. Blanketing any decision making is reflection in action (in the moment) and reflection on action (after the fact). This critically reflexive practice leads to improved provision of care and better patient outcomes (CAEN,

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