A Critical Analysis Of Pink Think By Lynn Peril

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When women are growing up, they either hope or are supposed to be ladylike. From a pink blanket for a newborn baby girl to the laced kerchief for an old woman, there exist a set of standards that restrain female behavior and influence women’s lives as time goes on. Similarly, Lynn Peril defines that “Pink think is a set of ideas and attitudes about what constitutes proper female behavior” (281). In the article “Pink Think,” which is selected from the introduction to Pink Think, Peril briefly introduces several instructions about female behavior for daily life and illustrates a few factoids of femininity when she was born. By using some theories of Pink Think and several specific examples from history, the author establishes the case that a…show more content…
But that wasn't the end of the story. Paoletti says that due to the women's liberation movement, more unisex baby clothes came into style in the late '60s and '70s. Yet pink and blue came back in the mid-'80s, with the development of prenatal testing. Once parents could find out whether they were having a boy or a girl, they could outfit their nursery in the "appropriate" color. Manufacturers pushed the fad too after realizing affluent parents would buy a whole new set of baby products once they found out Junior was expecting a little sister. (par.…show more content…
When people go into a local Toys “R” Us store, they may not feel the differences between girls’ and boys’ section at the beginning. However, when people search further in the store, they always can find a world for girls. According to Rob Watson, a well-read blog columnist and Director of Partners and Alliances Communication for Hitachi Data Systems, “This [A section in Toys “R” Us store] should be a woman's world…It is far from a woman's (or a future woman's) world unless we define that world as one of choice and pursuit of individual skills, aptitudes and talents, regardless of gender” (par. 9). Obviously, the decision to select one’s the most favorite color or toy has been made in the world of toy marketing, or rather the whole society. With the heavy emphasis on segregation of gender, girls are afraid of walking around the toys section for boys. They lose the right to choose any other toys and are guided to select what they are supposed to. All of these contribute to helping a girl form the proper female behavior to attract or even marry a man, as Peril argues that “This [Pink think] resulted in little girls playing games like Mystery Date long before they were ever interested in boys” (283). The purpose of other products such as Barbie dolls and Victoria's secret also promote girls to “made beauty, charm, and submissive behavior of mandatory importance

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