Han Fei Zi Similarities Between Legalism And Confucianism

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Han Fei Zi was one of the Legalist’s greatest philosophers who practiced legalism and Confucius was the well-known founder of school of Chinese’s thought. Confucianism is often viewed as the teachings of virtue and Han Fei Zi strongly criticized his teachings. Han Fei Zi not only criticized Confucius but also other philosophers as well. Confucius believed that good virtues in oneself is contagious to others. In other words one good virtue is followed by others. Han Fe Zi strongly opposed this idea. One of the similarities between Han Fei Zi, which belonged to the school of Legalism and Confucianism is that they both devoted to induce to a systemized society, albeit they had distinct approaches. Both Legalism and Confucianism conceded that government is utterly important in leading and shaping a society. In Legalism, government comes first and the rest is next. They also had the idea that people must serve the government. Conversely, Confucianism believed that the government is there for people’s welfares. Confucius…show more content…
But what makes the ruler a wise and great ruler is defined differently by Han Fei Zu and Confucius. Han Fei Zu believed that the superiors (ruler) must not be equal to the inferiors, the people they govern. If a ruler practise activity, and people practise activity as well, they are considered as equal in virtue. Hence a ruler does not have the quality of a superior as he is the same as the inferiors. Having the same practices would cause to stop being a ruler. So in order for a ruler to lead an empire, he must practise non-activity and the people must practise activity as a law. “The highest virtue is to do nothing and yet leave nothing undone.” said Han Fei Zu. Legalist is very much influenced by Taoism where they assumed that everything is done by doing nothing. A ruler that interferes with his people’s actions is described a non-wise

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