Ethical Issues In Nursing

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Ms Hadia, 68 years old female. After her encounter of a hospital-acquired infection and the pain and the cramps she endured, the patient lost her trust in hospitals. Although, she encountered a series of symptoms, which later prevented her goodnight sleep, her previous experience with the hospitals lessened her willingness to go to the hospital; instead she chose alternative way of treatments that she trusts; traditional healer. And she rejected the medical treatment she was offered. This case study illustrates the importance of physician/patient relationship and trust. And how patients’ distrust could affect their relationship with physicians, treatment acceptance and compliance. In this case study, two major ethical principles are highlighted; autonomy and beneficence. In order to respect patient’s autonomy, physician must make sure that he knows his patient’s wishes and…show more content…
She lost her entire family in a war, only one relative is left; her sister who suffers dementia and lives in a nursing home. The patient is depressed because of the death of her husband two years earlier. Along with depression, she is experiencing severe anxiety. On treatment by antidepressants, she faced severe nausea and vomiting. She was admitted involuntarily to a pyscho-geriatric unit. She was considered rigorously depressed, continues low-mood, lack of energy along with decreased memory and function. Along with her persistent and worsening of depression symptoms and suicidal thoughts, she was advised to appoint a guardian. Though she accepted this decision, she opposed living in a nursing home and preferred living in her home. In addition, two psychiatrists recommended either additional antidepressant medication or electroshock therapy (ECT). She accepted taking additional antidepressant treatment and rejected the ECT. However her guardian agreed on the doctor to proceed treating her with electroshock

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