Information System Importance

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Information System is a very important topic in computing and information technology field. The term Information Systems refers to arrangements done by people consisting of Software, hardware and telecommunications networks for the purpose of create, collect, and distribute important data in organizational environment in order to enhance decision making. It comprises of three major categories, and they include; Technology (Hardware, Software and Data), People and the Process. The importance of information system is to provide an avenue in which constructive decision can be reached in production and/or profit maximization. The useful data obtain through IS can be so helpful in improving customer relations and satisfaction. Also IS is useful…show more content…
Enhancing of security in IS prevents the loss of data. This ensures that data of any date can be easily accessed in accurate form. It further leads to increase in confidence during decision making. If data is accurately obtained, the decision made is more reliable and that thus high probability of reaching the best choice. Use of relevant techniques as an ethical practice can also sustain IS ethics. Application of right techniques during data creation, distribution and utility can be of great significance to enhancing desirable decision. Usage of required technics not only ensures quality in data creation and distribution but also for future reference. This makes organization of data to be effective hence easier retrieval when needed. Privacy of private data should be key aspect in proper ethical consideration in IS. Assurance of confidentiality of sensitive and non- sensitive information of both the organization and its clients should be a priority. This not only builds reliability but trust too hence leading to effective relations. However, as much as observed ethical IS practices is of great benefit, there are some challenges experienced as well. Some of these challenges…show more content…
For the users it is good because it saves them money, but it harms the creator of the work. Increased pressure on IT experts: IT experts’ experiences much pressure since they have to ensure the availability and accuracy of the system. The pressure is worsened due to the fact that the system has to run throughout. Big institutions which operate 24 hours got team of IT staff throughout in order to facilitate free system flow. This working set up further increases pressure. Eventual buildup of pressure leads to work over load and stress. Digital divide: Information system presents several opportunities. But to third world countries, they have the challenge of fully experiencing similar benefits as of developed countries. To them, it is costly to get the benefits as they have the need to simulate new culture and to train their labor. Some factors that contribute to this include some areas of the developing country having no electricity thereby making tools such as computers hard to be used. Also, they have poor old education system that hinders students from catching up with new technology.
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