Ethical Issues In Social Media

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In implementing ethical solution regarding public safety social media, it is crucial to execute appropriate code of ethics (Lawrence & Weber, 2014) The authority should ensure that social media firms and other organization apply the code of ethics and competence of workers so as they can be able to recognize ethical problems concerning public safety. Besides, professional role in social media firms should be defined so that they do not at any point engage in unethical practices (Mergel & Bretschneider, 2013) Principals for ethical behavior should be endorsed by the social media firms. They include serving the public interest at all times and maintaining high levels of integrity. Integrity ensures that there is no leakage of private information…show more content…
The emerging ethical issues in public safety social media can be managed by the parties involved. For instance, the government, as it is responsible for public safety can influence organizations to set up policies that counter the ethical situations arising from social media affecting its employees. Social media offer opportunities to elevate business pace in an organization as it strengthens the firm’s relationship with customers and employees (Treem & Leonardi, 2013). However, social media may set open doors for numerous risks including conflicts of interest, breach of confidentiality and misuse of company’s resources. The leadership of an organization can address the ethical situations arising from social media affecting their employees and customers. In order to successfully address these issues, a company needs to develop an initiative to identify appropriately, conduct assessment and manage the approach to social…show more content…
Social media ethical solutions should be incorporated into firm’s overall ethics program. Risk assessment The first step towards formulating a solution is the risk assessment. Firstly, there is need to understand the current social media technology and its usefulness (Gerbaudo, 2018). Secondly, there should be assessment and identification of the likely risks to public health and rank them in priority order. Besides, it is important to identify the social media in use in the firm. Policies Policies should be put in place recognizing the value of social media to the firm, permits its use in the achievement of set goals and reasonably restrict employees use outside the set interests. This will be helpful in avoiding confrontation of ethical situations regarding employees’ safety (Treem & Leonardi, 2013). Secondly, there should be clarity about the specific restrictions of social media use. Additionally, social media policies set should align with related policies or standards such as conflicts of interest. Furthermore, broad principles should be set about the proper use of social

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