Essay On Teacher Pronunciation

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In terms of teacher-related factors which contributed to students’ demotivation in the language classroom, the study found that teachers seldom conduct variety of activities, teachers’ ways of conveying knowledge are boring and uncreative, teachers’ pronunciation of English is poor were among the most influential factors. Firstly, quite a lot of students admitted that they had problem with their teachers’ poor pronunciation of English (e.g. wrong or bad pronunciation, intonation, etc.) (item 12). Some students in the interviews also agreed upon this point when stating that their teachers’ pronunciation was not really good and was sometimes wrong. Modeling is one of the roles of the teachers in the classroom; therefore, when the teachers mispronounce the words themselves, the students will do the same. When the students, especially students with good English proficiency, recognize teachers’ poor or wrong pronunciation, they may feel disappointed or doubtful of the teachers’ ability. According to Pintrich and Schunk (1996), competence of a teacher would not necessarily cause motivation but students might take a competent teacher more seriously than the one who performs poorly. In order to avoid this situation, teachers should consider using visual aids such as…show more content…
This finding was also found in Muhonen (2004) and Tran and Baldauf’s (2007) studies in which the students claimed that their teachers’ fast teaching speed caused their demotivation. In fact, improper teaching pace is an important factor negatively affecting students’ motivation. If the teaching speed is too fast, low-proficiency students may not keep pace with the lessons and feel being left behind classmates. In contrast, too slow teaching pace may cause boredom among high-proficiency ones. Hence, in order to diminish such demotivation, appropriate teaching pace for students’ proficiency should be more properly
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