How To Write A Literacy Autobiography

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Literacy Biography Ever since I was a child, I was bad at anything related to language, especially in terms of speaking. My earliest memory of my encounter with such a difficulty was back in first grade, 2006. At the time I have not immigrated to the US yet, I was still in Beijing, China. It was a cool autumn day, in a crowded classroom with 49 other first graders. We were learning a tongue twister that day, it reads as “hong deng ting, lu deng xing, huang deng deng yi deng”. In English, it means “stop at red light, go at green light and wait at yellow light. Although it was 8 years ago, I still clearly remember how I failed to pronounce it correctly no matter how hard I tried and the laughter of my classmates. They call me “da she tou”, which means big tongue, which is a nickname for people who had trouble pronouncing words or phrases. I ran to the bathroom and cried out of embarrassment and the cruelty of my classmates. Later when my parents came to talk with the teacher in…show more content…
I did not give much thought into it but applied for Lawrenceville and Peddie anyways. I was waitlisted for Lawrenceville so I came to Peddie, which was a decision I did not regret. During my first weeks in Peddie, I became close friends with international students from china who I spoke Chinese. But then as time passed, I realized my English oral skills were deteriorating, as a direct result of speaking more Chinese during the day then English. I was split between two sides, whether to respect my heritage or to do the best for myself at the time, meaning separating myself from my new friends. I struggled between the two sides and found a middle way- I realized I do not have to end my friendships, but to make new one with students who were fluent English speakers. As a result, My English orals skills stopped deteriorating my accents started to fade

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