Essay On Self Esteem

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Self-esteem can be defined in numerous ways. Most commonly, self-esteem is defined on the basis of two psychological processes: evaluation and affect (Mruk, 2006). Evaluation accentuates the role of cognition, while affect emphasizes the role of feelings as they pertain to self-esteem. As such, Mruk (2006) defines four basic ways that self-esteem is defined: (1) as a certain attitude, (2) based on discrepancy, (3) as a psychological response a person holds toward himself or herself, and (4) as a function of personality. In the attitudinal definition, it involves positive or negative cognitive, behavioral, and emotional reactions. When people base their self esteem on discrepancy, they are measuring the difference between what they see as their ideal self and their perceived self. The closer these two percepts are, the higher their self-esteem is thought to be. The…show more content…
An inclusive classroom can be detrimental to the self-concept of a student with LD (Moller et aI., 2007). While this is important to consider, it is essential to understand that not all students respond in the same ways. Because every student is unique, a distinct approach needs to be taken when providing intervention strategies. To better understand each student, with and without LD, a school may perform an interpersonal competence profile (Farmer, Rodkin, Pearl, & Acker, 1999). These two profiles include the Interpersonal Competence Scale-Teacher (ICST) and the Interpersonal Competence Scale-Self (ICS-S). Using these interpersonal competence scales, the school will gain knowledge about the individuality of each student. When a school knows the specific interpersonal competence profile of a student, the assessment and intervention process can be uniquely honed to best serve that student's learning style (Farmer et aI.,
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