Essay On Intellectual Curiosity

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This is an essay on the virtue intellectual curiosity. This is an important virtue in my opinion, because in today’s fast-paced world where technology is advancing day by day, new medical breakthroughs occur, skills at work must be updated in order to keep your job, if one doesn’t use intellectual curiosity to question research, learn, and prepare themselves with knowledge, they will not be able to keep up with the world changes as well as their children’s lives, I have used Marie Curie as a prime example of a person using intellectual curiosity, overcoming several personal obstacles and leading a life developing equipment to enhance the medical field and thereby impacting the world she lived to the point that she is remembered today as having…show more content…
Your brain is constantly active and learning thereby making a smarter more interesting personality and you also become very resourceful in finding out information from different sources.(Sklare). When we learn and gain more knowledge we think outside the box that is broadened our views on subjects and become more understanding and tolerance of other people's opinions we have less of a narrow tunnel vision and are less ignorant of issues. We expand intellectually and socially as we gain new information and develop unbiased viewpoints. However when asking questions in order to develop intellectual curiosity logic and reasoning must be applied to. Intellectual curiosity should expand wisdom and not create risks nor cause danger nor lead to arrogant, egotistical mannerisms where one develops an attitude of superiority to other fellow human beings which in return defeats the purpose of developing this virtue. To develop this virtue, one needs to invest time and money and one must never become habitual routine robot like being as this will not enable new ideas and developments to occur in life. When people are well informed about their topic at hand better clearer choices are made in life and positive consequences occur thereby improving their lives
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