Essay On Population Ageing

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The world’s population is rapidly ageing; the number of population from 2000 to 2050 will double from about 11% to 22% according to World Health Organization (WHO). The number of people who aged 60 years and above is likely to increase from merely 605 million to surprisingly 2 billion over the 60 years (Facts about ageing, 2014) [1]. As mentioned by W.A. Wan-Ibrahim and I. Zainab (W.A. Wan-Ibrahim, I. Zainab, 2014), one of the reasons for population ageing is because the number of older people relative to younger generations increases. Even though the proportion of elderly person who aged 60 and over in Malaysia is still small and unapparent, but there are signs that the population of Malaysia is moving towards ageing [2]. Looking back to the history, most of the middle-aged and older adults will not have living parents. However, this is opposite in the case today. A growing number of children will know their grandparents and even their great-grandparents, especially their great-grandmothers. On average, women live six to eight years longer than men according to WHO information (Facts about ageing, 2014)[1].…show more content…
Wan-Ibrahim and I. Zainab, one of the most significant demographic events occurred in the 21st century is population ageing. Population ageing refer to the rising number of older persons in the society is happening in most of the countries on earth currently. Population ageing occurred is due to a process known as demographic transition. Demographic transition refers to the transition from high rates of both fertility and mortality to a low rate of fertility and mortality [2]. According to United Nations data, the population aged 65 and over in 1970 was 316, 852 and it has increased to 788, 000 persons in 1995. The number of older persons aged 60 and over has increased from 3.1% (1970), to 3.9% (1995), increased further to 4.2% (2000) and expected to rise until 7.3% in 2020 (W.A. Wan-Ibrahim, I. Zainab, 2014)

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