Essay On Public Transport

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The public transport system is still relevant today and is undergoing a process of modernization as it is now controlled by technology. Only small number of human labor required to perform the operations of a particular type of public transport such as trams LRT, MRT, monorail and train (Bachman ,2013). Public transportation frequently used by women, solo travelers and students in their daily life (Greenfeld ,2013). This group of users such as feel more comfortable and secure with the presence of the public service operator company staff concerned with them because they are alone and have no place in case something happens depends on them throughout the public service concerned (Greenfeld ,2013). The issue of comfort and safety is a global issue and should be dealt with effectively by individuals, communities and countries. In the context of women's safety when using public services, various issues can be raised. In the end of 2012, the world was shocked by the scene of a girl in India , Jyoti Singh Pandey has been raped until death while using bus service (Kumar ,2013). Soon, a Caucasian lady traveler from United State also been raped when using a minibus service in Brazil(New York Daily News ,2013). In fact, sexual harassment is no longer a foreign issue in the use of public transport.…show more content…
Women in Malaysia are taxis driven by women drivers and receives only female passenger. This service was introduced following cases of violations by taxi drivers to their female passengers especially at midnight. Now women can get WOMEN Taxi service until midnight without the risk of sexual harassment by male drivers. To obtain taxi service, consumers should call operator operating company to make a reservation. The taxi ride is monitored by a GPS system installed in each taxi. Taxi concept is very similar to Subway service in the US and radio taxi in India but the advantage lies with the woman
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