High Density Living

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Nowadays, transformation into a high-density living has been used to deal with the issues of population growth and insufficient developable land in Hong Kong. While some studies indicate that high-density living poses some negative impacts on the public’s health and facilities’ demands, some researchers disagree with these assertions. This essay examines both the negative and positive effects of high-density living on people’s physical health and the support of infrastructure facilities. The poor air quality caused by the high-density living is one of the central arguments. As pointed out by Recsei (2013), the high-density living induces the high traffic density with less concentration of air for dispersion and dilution. This means this…show more content…
The Planning Department (2016) pointed out that one of the planning strategies in Hong Kong is “to promote easy access to public transport, public amenities and neighborhood facilities” (p.29). An interview was conducted by the LSE Cities and the University of Hong Kong’s Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention (Chak, Valadez, Leung, Taylor, & Yip, n.d.). This interview has provided evidence showing that the accessibility and convenience are highly valued both by the diffident ages of residents (Chak et al., n.d.). This reveals the accessibility of the infrastructure facilities can convenient to the citizens because there is a reduction in time and distance, which means it is cost-efficient. And also, the citizens could have more selection on utilizing the infrastructure facilities. Therefore, the citizens who are the residents of the high-rise blocks are satisfied with the easy access to the facilities as the low time-cost and more…show more content…
The adverse effects include the potential of suffering from respiratory symptoms or even diseases and the increase on the burden of infrastructure facilities while the advantages include lowering of the rate of getting chronic diseases due to the walk for transportation and convenience on the use of facilities. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages, it can be concluded that the positive effects of high-density living outweigh the negative ones. To minimize the adverse effects, it is suggested that the government should implement some regulations and instruction guidelines on the building constructions, such as limiting the minimum distance between the buildings in order to promote the air ventilation, and thus, to reduce the potential of suffering diseases. Meanwhile, the Planning Department should address the infrastructure demands. For example, it should consider the location of facilities that should be near the MTR stations within 500

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