Bicycle Problems

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The past few decades witnessed a tremendous change in our global environment, both of the sea level and temperature rose rapidly. Global warming seems to be the core concern for the vast majority of member states of the United Nations. To alleviate the problem, there are already a great number of countries encouraging using bicycles as a form of public transport, such as Taiwan, Netherlands and Germany. Since riding bicycle can reduce carbon dioxide emission, it plays an important role in promoting environmental sustainability, riding bicycle can also bring benefits to physical health. However, some educators doubt the feasibility of using bicycles as public transport in Hong Kong. This essay will cover both benefits and challenges that cycling…show more content…
Pate et al. (2006) point out that doing regular exercises such as walking and cycling can reduce the risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases and obesity. According to De Geus, De Bourdeaudhuij, Jannes, and Meeusen (2008), it is essential for the public to perform moderate exercises at regular time interval. However, Hong Kong is a hustle and bustle city. Although there are a great deal of warnings about negative effects may arise from improper lifestyle, there are still a large population are physically inactive. A recent survey conducted by the Department of Health (2014) shows that over half the interviewees could not meet the World Health Organization’s recommendations which are an adult aged 18-64 should perform at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercises every week. Therefore, encouraging commuter cycling can allow white-collar workers having more chances to maintain physically…show more content…
In accordance with the survey conducted by Bauhinia Foundation Research Center (2013), the number of bicycle traffic injuries has surged every year. From 2008 to 2012, the total number of cases increased around 70%. Within the bicycle related trauma injuries, about 30% were cycling for transportation purpose (Yeung et al., 2009). These reveal that cyclists in Hong Kong are suffered from higher risk of sever injury and fatality in traffic accident. The above phenomenon is attributed by the unsatisfied road planning and construction. As the viewpoint of Tsui (2010, p.1904), in 2007, there were only 160 km cycling tracks in Hong Kong and all of them were located in the rural area. They also argued that most of these tracks are “highly fragmented”. This reflects that cyclists are required to use the public road system during their journey. Apart from road planning, potholes found on the roads and steep hills can also be the reasonable factors causing casualties during

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