Development Planning In Singapore Essay

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INTRODUCTION According to National Geographic Education (n.d.), an urban area is where human structures such as houses, commercial buildings, roads, bridges, and railways are heavily develop and that most inhabitants have non-agricultural jobs. Thus, according to this definition, Singapore falls under the category of an urban state. In a city where it is densely populated like Singapore, which has currently 5.46 million people living in its land area of a mere 718 square kilometres, issues like sustainability will arise. United Nation (n.d.) defines sustainability as the ability to maintain itself without, using whatever we need at the present moment without jeopardising the needs of people in the future generation. According to the Pearson…show more content…
The concept plan is a bigger overview of Singapore’s developmental plan for the next forty to fifty years and reviewed every ten years while the master plan is the detailed strategy of Singapore’s development for the next ten to fifteen years and reviewed every five years. The review of both the concept and the master plan is to ensure that whatever that were planned are still relevant to the current and changing needs of the city. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY It has been projected that the population in Singapore by 2030 will be around 6.3 to 6.9 million people. With this estimation, the government needs to ensure that housing, resources like water and even transport are available to its people without compromising the environment. Housing The city has been segregated into five main regions: West, Central, East, North and North East. In these regions, the government has planned to increase the land allocated to affordable housing from 14% in 2010 to 17% in 2030. It is also opening up new town areas like Punggol, Bukit Brown and Bidadari, where more green residential areas and amenities will be

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