Essay On Natural Materials

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Generally, there are many kinds of materials that people use them to construct houses or facilities. We always recognize these basic materials such as cement, bricks, and stones. Most people deny to using any materials that made from nature for many reasons. Some people believe that natural materials are not strong enough to housing construction and won't last very long. But some people are certain that natural materials are strong and suitable for making houses. These natural materials are environmentally friendly too. Elora Hardy is one of those people who used natural resources to make her house. She used bamboo sticks to make her entire houses. Her working processes faced challenging difficulties from times to times but she succeeded at…show more content…
Bamboo is one kind of wild glass spicy. There are 1,450 bamboo's species all around the world. Each other kind of bamboo can grow and survive in every situation and every area. Bamboo has a lot of benefit from root to leaf, all parts of bamboo. After Elora Hardy and her team came to Bali's Indonesia, they use a bamboo tree for building their bamboo traditional houses. Even they have the argument that who lives in the house that using bamboo are the poor people, but the real fact is bamboo is the natural strong as the steel and bamboo are friendly with the environmental surrounding, and the people they also love to stay with the natural lifestyle. Meaning to say that people love to build the traditional bamboo house because they love natural and want to live with them own lifestyle, not including about bucket money. Moreover, Bamboo is so cheap price compare between steel and other materials. Thus, Bamboo is easy to design creating the new beautiful natural architecture as you can make the new circle design of natural bamboo. Final, bamboo is the one alternative that you can choose it to be a part of your natural lifestyle. Everything that Elora Hardy and her team in Bali twist tried to do is amazing and helping bamboo's

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