Unhappiness Speech

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What if we all could go through life with out worrying with regards to money, jobs, kids, relationships, and just be satisfied? Joy isn't a destination. It is a positive feeling of appreciation, gratitude, and satisfaction regarding our current scenario. We all accomplish this feeling by emphasizing and acknowledging all the great things in our lives. Abraham Lincoln stated: "Most persons are with regards to as happy as they make up their minds to be." It is truly not much what happens to us in life, but how we all respond to those happenings. Step #1 Make The Selection Irrespective of the condition or situations, we all get to decide whether we all want to feel happy and energized, or miserable and lethargic. Obviously, we will feel better…show more content…
Go ahead; make that list. Here are some samples: 1. Not enough money. 2. Too busy. 3. Betsy is always in a bad mood. 4. Bruce never does want I want him to. 5. My sister acts so nasty toward me. There's no reason for her to be nasty! What can you do to change each of these unhappiness items? I'll give you some hints. 1. I'm so grateful for the money we do have. I'm also grateful that we live in a world of opportunities where we can always look for ways to augment our income. 2. I enjoy managing my time well, so I never have to feel that I'm too busy to read stories to my children, or create a wonderful bedtime experience for them when they can share all the events of the day with me. 3. I'm going to do something special for Betsy today. I know she's depressed about being overweight. I'm going to compliment her on her computer skills; she's a genius and I think she doesn't really know that. 4. Bruce is only two years old and he's eager to test his wings. I will be loving and firm with him, letting him know who's in charge. I'll make the rules into a game. 5. Repeat Number 3 with a variation. What would make your sister feel special, loved, wanted, and…show more content…
How many people do you know who can still recall some of the terrible things that happened to them years, even decades ago? I know a woman in her mid-sixties who can still remember names that the "mean kids" called her in elementary school. That is a long time to carry around that memory. I wonder if she remembers some of the compliments her grade school friends paid
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