Essay On Mesopotamian Civilization

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Mesopotamia and Egypt were the world’s first two regions to form civilisations along the banks of rivers from about 4500 BCE. There was also the Indus valley civilisation which occurred along the Indus river valley (situated in northwest India, Pakistan and regions of northeast Afghanistan). Mesopotamia means “the land between rivers.” This refers to the land between and around the Tigris and Euphrates river systems. The land in this region as well as the land along the Indus flood plain was fertile and the river systems provide water for irrigation and farming. As a result of this, civilisations began to form in these areas. Along the Indus the Indus valley civilisation known as the Harappan civilisation appeared. In Mesopotamia there was a rise and fall of civilisation’s empires, the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Persians. The Harappan civilisation…show more content…
The temple measured 17.5x22.3 meters. The Ziggurat has flat top that is coated with bitumen (asphalt-a tar) and overlaid with brick, which serves as a firm, waterproof foundation for the temple to rest upon. The temple has three entrances with none of them facing the ramp leading up the Ziggurat to the temple. This is part of the architectural design of the temple as a person is forced to stroll around the temple and take notice of its bright façade and the amazing view that accompanies it. After proceeding around the temple one would enter the temple in a “bent axis” approach (one would have to turn 90 degrees to face the altar). The temple was of a considerable height (towering over the city’s defensive walls) which made it noticeable from a far distance and in terms of religion I believe that the height would be a contributing factor regarding the power and dominance of the religion. The temple was white inside and out, which is where it gets its name

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