Egypt And Mesopotamia Similarities

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Brandyn Herrera HUM 250 November 9, 2014 Mid-Term 2. Mesopotamia The essay that I choose to write about is about Mesopotamia and comparing it to the Egyptians. This deals with the social, political, and religion. So by that known as one of the earliest civilizations, Mesopotamia and Egypt both share set amounts of similarities and very little differences along with a lot of distinctions. These two civilizations were formed together in very similar surroundings. A similarity is Politically because both governments derived from a monarch but yet their laws and punishments showed off the two’s different court systems. Economically, they both shared much success in similar manners because money was not a problem. Socially, Egypt and Mesopotamia…show more content…
Kings ruled both Mesopotamia and Egypt to an extant. In Egypt the kings were called Pharaohs and they had a whole lot more power than the Mesopotamian kings in the city states. Both civilizations also had different social classes. In Mesopotamia there are many more rules and restrictions that are enforced onto women. Especially on young girls, Mesopotamian and Egyptian boys were at the top because just like any other culture girls are seen lower than a man. Mesopotamia and Egypt traded with each other on most of their goods, but the goods they traded were very different to their civilization’s special…show more content…
This is because of the similar social classes. Both Mesopotamian and Egyptian social classes strongly reflect one another with the pharaohs and kings. The rich people, then the very poor, then and the slaves, follow this. However in Egypt, the slaves could climb up the social ladder by marrying someone in another class that could make them as equal. No two civilizations are exactly the same (Egypt and Mesopotamia), but they all do what is necessary to survive and thrive. Many find survival through military power while others find it through trade or an agriculturally based economy. It has been like this since the birth of civilization. Two of the civilizations that marked the birth of all others that rose after them, were Mesopotamia and Egypt. Although they are similar in their geographic stand points and their agriculturally based economy, they have distinct differences in their government structures and their social
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