Essay On Listening Comprehension

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At German schools literacy is taught before oralcy that follows historical and traditional reasons. In western societies reading, writing, etc. are seen as higher-level competences.(vgl. Bogen 2012). However, in the last 10 years, listening (rückt mehr in den Vordergrund) The usage of the so called “new media“, like CD’s and podcasts, foreign language classrooms have the possibility to get in touch with native and authentic speakers. Written and spoken language are (usually) two very different animals. Nonetheless, listening comprehension is connected to visuals most of the time. The pure listening-comprehension is less likely to occur in real (daily) life situations for the learner, which means that watching a video or a movie…show more content…
My group members and me conducted a unit for a 10th grad in a Gymnasium (the so called E-Phase). We imagined our class to be heterogenous in general, including a native speaker of English. The class consist of 20 students: 14 female and 6 male. The unit with the topic “Environment“ comprises 10 lessons per 45 minutes for 2 weeks. 

Why is listening comprehension so important for an EFL classroom?

During our meetings we decided that it would be the best, if we divide the different lessons in the three following categories: pre-listening, while-listening and post-listening. The pre-listening task comprises a cognitive activity that helps to active pre-knowledge. The second category, while-listening, needs more time than the first one. For us it was important to look for authentic video material that raises the student’s interest for the actually not so much beloved topic of environment. Even though the main focus is set on listening, it is important to not forget about the other skills as reading and writing. For the post-listening task we wanted the students to be creative and

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