Essay About The Philippines

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The Philippines is a country of 7,107 islands is situated in the Southeast of Asia and has a population of more than a hundred million; its archipelago is vast ranging from the south of Taiwan up to the north of Borneo, Malaysia and Indonesia. The Philippines is quoted as the ‘Pearl of the Orient’ due of its strategic location, rich culture, biodiversity, and God-crafted environment. The location is proven to be defensibly strategic and economically gifted, but is also a location prone to a number of natural disasters and calamities. The country is composed of islands and is relatively surrounded by bodies of water from the west side which is the South China Sea and the east which is the Pacific Ocean. The history told us that the early inhabitants…show more content…
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY With the country of vast archipelago of 36,289 kilometers the coastline extends 2,000 kilometers from north to south with 25 major cities lying on the coast, strengthening armed forces is needed, especially naval forces, with the Philippines having 62 percent of its population or 64.7 Million (Yr 2000) living in coastal areas, in the time of hostilities more than half of the population is in risk. With the arising conflict with other neighboring countries, the Philippines is proved to be under rated in terms of fighting vessels, infrastructure, and knowledge. The country being a very strategic location for warfare, the country is threatened by nations and in losing the sovereignty and being independent. Strengthening and preparing is the most needed action in the present situation of the country. The Philippine Navy is in need of not only fighting vessels and better naval stations it is in most importance to also for Philippine Navy to have quality personnel that could perform well in given situations and circumstances. Thus it is important to improve the learning and training facilities of the navy for their foundation in the real service. This improvement will contribute to the general and overall development of the Philippine Navy thus this will add to the betterment of the national security of the
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