Feudalism In The Middle Ages

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(AGG) The Middle Ages started with the rule of feudalism and the pyramid, where the king was at the top and the serf was at the bottom (BS-1) Feudalism was a law in which everybody followed, the military included knights as well as the economy which the serfs, vassals and King’s contributed. (BS-2) The great chain of being was very similar to feudalism, in many ways, the manor was a key factor to the town’s success. (BS-3) Serfs had many jobs like working nonstop, and they played a key role in feudalism that led to the towns success. (TS) Feudalism was a key part in everyone’s life, as well as having their place in the Feudalism pyramid. (MIP-1) After the Roman Empire collapsed they life in the western was hard, and that is where the rule of feudalism came into place (S1). (SIP-A) This problem made the king make a system called feudalism that could solve all of the problems people were having. (S1) (STEWE-1) Feudalism is where people pledged loyalty to the lord to which he/she was a landholder. In the feudal system everyone had their place in it, for example the king is at the top and the serfs are at the bottom and everyone belongs in there place.…show more content…
(S1) The king has the most power in the feudal system. The king owned all the land, but since one person can't control all the land in the society he passed on the land to his most important lord, and his most trusted lord. The king could not just give the land to any lord, it had to be a important and trusted, because those land that the king gave to the lord was money in which the money of the economy would come from. As well as if the lord gave it to a un trusted lord, the society would have a low economy and every king wanted to succeed and have the (AGG) The Middle Ages started with the rule of feudalism and the pyramid, where the king was at the top and the serf was at the
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