Importance Of Language Enrichment On Child Development

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1.Language enrichment Building a child’s vocabulary is the foundation to reading, writing, verbal expression, and in many ways, vocabulary is an important factor in building analytical and critical thinking. The language is used to express intentions, describe feelings, and understand the ideas of others. From the first cooing sounds that infant makes in response to a tickle to the first words of toddlerhood and each step from that moment is considered as child's progress. Between the ages of 18 and 36 months, language growth occurs very quickly: babbling becomes more deliberate in tone, and children literally learn new words every day. Very quickly they begin to combine words and use short sentences. And that leads to using longer sentences…show more content…
It enables and enhances their social, emotional, cognitive (thinking skills) and academic development within the context of the home and the community. Creating a language environment that is rich in both print and the spoken word is critical to child's language development. The number of words one knows as well as the depth of understanding of those words is related to the ability to think. For example, a child who knows the words big and little can certainly think in terms of size and compare objects. But a child who has also learned the words wide, narrow, tall, short, tiny, low, and high has a whole bank of words that help them understand things in deeper ways. There are two ways to think about word knowledge: first, how vocabulary grows, and second, how it deepens. Both aspects of vocabulary development are critical to the ability to use, act on, and expand children's language knowledge base. Ways of helping child's vocabulary grow: -Increasing child's exposure to, and interaction with, language. The more words children hear, the more words they will learn and use. Children should be invited into some wonderful language-building chats and…show more content…
Explaining Skilled readers don’t just read, they interact with the text. The teacher should explain that skilled readers, for instance: -Predict what will happen next in a story using clues presented in text A prediction is an educated guess about something that will come later in the text. The Predict Strategy is a simple but powerful way to help children connect what they know with what they are reading. Just as a detective looks for clues to solve a mystery, children can find clues in a text about upcoming events and themes. Making predictions while they read will help them find meaning in a text. When they make a prediction, they engage with the author's clues about what is important in the story, poem, speech or other nonfiction text. Plus, it can be fun to find out whether things turn out as they expected. As children read, they should stop every once in a while, and think about what the author has written. They should check the text and images for clues about what might be important. If they are reading a story, they should try predicting what they think will happen next. If they are reading a poem, speech, or essay, they should try predicting the themes and main ideas the author will

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