Crime Scene Investigator Research Paper

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In this essay about my career choice you will find information about the profession I chose to study that is a crime scene investigator also known as science technicians. There will be information about what the CSI team usually do in crime scenes and what they do to be able to find out relevant details about a murder case so a massacre. It is not easy being a crime scene investigator because of the risks and patience you need to have. You will be able to learn how hard is their job and all the skills they need to have. Important details like what are the working conditions and what they spend most of the time doing. Overall this essay is a short explanation of what the life of a CSI is like and details of what goes on when there are massacres,…show more content…
Crime scene investigators work in a number of different environments like responding to crime scenes along with police officers and investigators in order to find and gather evidence to bolster an investigation process crime scenes to collect, identify, classify, and analyze evidence. The evidence collected by the CSI is then transferred to a lab, in strict accordance with chain-of-evidence procedures. In the lab, technicians, including forensic chemists, forensic biologists and forensic toxicologists, analyze the samples. Also they have these mayor assignments that include being a team leader, assuming control and watching over personnel, as a photographer taking pictures of the crime area before entering, photographing victims, mayor evidence before they are moved and fingerprints (Crime Scene Investigator, 2015). A CSI must be prepared to work under conditions like working long shifts, anywhere a crime has occurred, in all types of weather and even around offensive smells and emotionally disturbing sights. (,…show more content…
Forensic science degree programs emphasize interdisciplinary coursework, including criminal justice, molecular biology and biochemistry. Professionals in this field come from a variety of educational backgrounds, including general studies and criminal justice. Completion of a 4-year degree in biology or chemistry is also acceptable for this line of work and may offer greater career flexibility, if an individual chooses to transition out of specialized criminal evidence analysis (, 2013). Also after college it is necessary to study for and pass an exam administered by the American Board of Criminalistics and to continue education throughout the career (, 2012). Possibly I will be studying this profession here in Puerto Rico but will try my best to work in the United States of America, in Florida or

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