Exploratory Talk Analysis

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This essay will explore the use of exploratory talk which is encouraged by teachers in guided reading sessions, with the aim of supporting the group’s level of comprehension. Exploratory talk can be defined as when two partners engage critically but constructively with each other’s ideas (Cox, 2011). When children use this type of talk, all the children involved actively participate, offering new ideas and engaging with other peoples. When these ideas are criticised, alternatives are offered up and the children come to make an eventual joint agreement. This is something required by the National Curriculum which asks for children to be able to “consider and evaluate different viewpoints, attending to and building on the contributions of others”…show more content…
Literal questions require information to be found straight off of the page, for example asking a child how old one of the characters are, when it has been stated explicitly in the text. This type of questioning is not especially high level as it does not have need for a lot of thought, just for a child to have fully read the text. Deductive questions allow children to draw together clues based on what they have read to come to a conclusion or answer. Inferential questions enable children to draw together clues based on what they have read, and what they already know from their pre-existing knowledge and ideas. Both of these types of questioning are at a much higher level as they require thought and need the children to link together old and new ideas. Evaluative questioning is at a very high level as the answers cannot be found in the text. They depend upon children looking at how well something has been done in the text, or how it compares to other texts. Children who can effectively answer all of these types of questions having read a text have a high level of comprehension, which can mean a guided reading session has been a

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