Essay On Italian Culture

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The topic that I have chosen is Italian Culture and how it has influenced the world around it. The reason I chose this was because I have always been interested in ancient Rome and how it has contributed to different things around us. And I am going to discuss how roman civilization has helped shaped the world we live in. A great deal of ancient Rome’s history has had an effect on our world today such as modern government, Societies, law, politics, art, literature, architecture, warfare, religion, language and society and many more. I am just going to discuss a few of those. The Italian culture is mainly generated from the ancient Greek and Roman civilisations “which flourished on the peninsula for over a millennium and left their imprint everywhere in the country in so many works of art, her legal system, and her traditions” (study in Italy) a great deal of ancient Rome’s history has had an effect on our world today such as modern government, law, politics, engineering, art, literature, architecture, technology, warfare, religion, language and society. As stated by a few lovers of history the roman culture came to pass as a general society belonging to famers,…show more content…
While The Greek idea of majority rule government i.e. “Democracy” is most likely different from the current "democratic” system (considering women weren’t allowed in senate at that time) it is the basis of numerous European legal system in the present time. it is from the Romans that we get the idea of a veto, as Roman authorities were allowed to counter the decision of their partners in the event that they yelled "veto," which meant 'I reject!' and it is additionally them that thought up the idea Civil Law which also forms the basis of law code in many countries around the world

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