Black Hair Case Study

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Problem statement Since the colonial era, African women have been using a plethora of methods and products in order to adapt to the western hair beauty standards. However there is a lot of science-backed concerns about Black hair products. “The Chemicals used in Black hair products enter the body through the scalp, particularly when there is a burn or cut on the skin. They upset the internal chemical balance which leads to complications.” In addition to that, The Black hair industry was estimated to $684 billion in 2012. In Africa, particularly Senegal, the market of hair is estimated to $2243 million only for artificial weaves and extensions. The market for imports of hair is actually huge and women are making lots of expenses in order to…show more content…
It will focus on hair products and accessories making and aim provide 100 percent natural products for women. In the years to come, I will expand the company by opening hair salons for the service of men and women. The enterprise will have its own brand products going from conditioners to hair food and oil masque for hair. We will be producing different products depending on the type of hair our customers have. In the hair industry some types of hair are called (4a, 4b, 4c), we will be producing depending on those criteria and for exceptionally for the women that don’t necessarily have an afro but see a need in more taking care of their hair. Vision: My vision is to breakdown all these stereotypes about African hair and diminish health risks. African should be able to define their own beauty standards of beauty and spend less on taking care of their natural hair without any chemicals. By doing so, I hope to tackle two issues in my community (unemployment and hair concerns). I will be able to create more job opportunities since I will need workers for the company to make the enterprise work. Mission: Suraya’s mission is to tackle two issues at a time: unemployment and hair concerns. We will be able to create more job opportunities since we will need workers for the company to make the enterprise…show more content…
Some complementary partners such as Yellow Shea have been found. This company is also in the same domain and work to provide natural hair products in its community. Yet, no competitive actors were found. According to the market research conducted in the recent weeks, no one in the region in which I live is doing a similar. Therefore it will be a great opportunity for Surayako to quickly get clients and expand its supply. Piloting

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