Roman Cultural Influence

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The Roman Empire is, without any doubt, considered to be one of the most profound and extensive political structure in the history. Just in 1,200 years Rome succeeded to develop from a small city with only the power over its neighbors to the first ancient superpower, dominating the Mediterranean world. On the other hand, the Empire was remarkable not only for its vast territory, but also for the noticeable influence the Roman culture had on the seized lands. At the early stages of its development, Rome shared the Italian peninsula with a number of ethical groups who had their own culture and traditions; about forty separate Italic languages and dialects existed in the peninsula at the early years of Rome. Nevertheless, as far as the Roman Empire grew, its cultural influence started spreading over the neighboring lands, resulting in the fact that Latin became the common language (Campbell, The Romans and their world). This is only one consequence of Romanization, the process when conquered cultures adopted elements of Roman culture under the cultural influence of the Empire. The term itself was coined in 1905 by the…show more content…
For instance, during the archeological investigations in Calleva Atrebatum (Britannia) the floor plan revealed curia, a meeting place for the Senate, and basilica, a public building for transacting business. Besides, in another ancient city of Britannia, Verulamium, a basilica and forum were excavated and indicated the influence of the Empire on the political structure and processes in ancient England and Wales (Martin Millett, The Romanization of Britain). In contrast, in Cremna, Asia Minor, the Greek culture was dominant with the prevailing Doric administrative structure, even despite the Roman government strived to Romanize local government and built a basilica and forum in the early 2nd century
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