Quentin Tarantino Appropriation

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The use of appropriation in films or imitating an already existing scene into a new one allow directors like Quentin Tarantino to creatively combine and remix fragments of different movies and cultures; And thus provide audience with exposure to past genres and texts in a modernized format. If it is true that everything is a remix, what is the contribution of remix culture to our film industry? In this essay, I will use Quentin Tarantino as an example to analyze the influence of the borrowing culture in films and how recombining has become a signature style of emerging filmmakers. Tarantino’s ability of borrowing narrative arcs, characterizations, and scenes from other filmmakers and using them in ways that audiences feel innovative and different from those past works comes from his early life. After he quit acting school, he toiled as a clerk in a video rental…show more content…
Tarantino continues his pastiche in Django Unchained; he drew from Italian director Sergio Corbucci film of the same genre, Il Grande Silenzio (1968), which uniquely takes place in the snow, and heavily borrowed from other 1960s and 1970s Western filmmakers like Leone, and Peckinpah. Moreover, Django has a gunfight scene similar to that of the Killer (1989), and an explosion scene similar to that of A Better Tomorrow III (1986), both directed by Hong Kong director John Woo. In fact, Tarantino’s work is filtered so much through the lens of other movies that it often provokes audiences to question the boundary between tribute and theft, homage and ripoff, reverential obeisance and cultural
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