Intersectionality In Gender

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ntersectional, a term coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1995 in her essay, "Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color" is used to describe using multiple characteristics of an individual's identity to understand how society and identity are constructed. Through her work she allows the audience to better understand discrimination and privilege as different aspects of an individual's identity combined are what describes and forms a person's distinctive self, not just a singular characteristic. For instance, the experience of a young black male would be drastically different from a black homosexual female, as race is not the only distinguishing characteristic of their identity or their experience,…show more content…
She uses her work to stress the importance of education especially for women of color, which is seen as a theme in the movie Hidden Figures as well, as the three main characters are all educated women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. As well as the dangers of tokenism, both in literature and professional fields. Having only one person of color or one woman of color in a department they are used as an educator and symbol for an entire population. While this is exhausting for the induvial as it also causes larger social implications, as these individuals do not represent an entire population, and can only give an induvial perspective. This is one of the most important reasons for representation of marginalized groups within the media. While this movie shows women of colors in a male-dominated field these women are heterosexual, young and educated women of color who maintain status and privilege among their communities. While it is an amazing step in Hollywood and the film industry the film is not a representative picture of all women, thus we need more diverse roles for all marginalized groups within Hollywood and the
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