Essay On Equality Of Opportunity

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Equality of opportunity evades low-income first generation college students. Often times they lag behind their peers in college. Disparities in graduation rates, GPA, or internships prevents them from reaching their maximum potential. Equality of Opportunity is a political theory, which calls for equalized opportunities, regardless of an individual’s position in society. Given the dearth of easily accessible resources for low-income first generation college students, a change must occur to ensure these students enter a level playing field. Current policies, which seek to address this concern requires a reexamination and the injection of a new perspective to ensure sensible gains. By implementing a new outlook and readjusting current polices, New York City further strengthen its position as a beacon of opportunity and place of upward social mobility. It spurs other cities to make positive changes as well.…show more content…
However, those attempting to become the first in their families to attain a bachelor’s degree and perhaps alleviate their family’s financial status face hardships not publicized. According to the Brooking Institution, a non-partisan public policy think tank, “only 9 percent of students from low-income families earn a bachelor’s degree by age 24, compared to 77 percent of students from high-income families.” According to the New York Times about “42 percent of its [New York City] residents have degrees from two-year or four-year colleges.” The number is troubling when considering numerous jobs require a college degree in New York City. Sectors such as financial, technology and health care offer lucrative careers to those with a college degree. The lack of low-income college graduate students in such field’s exacerbates the existing disparities in income. It benefits the city to improve its educational attainment numbers since its lags behind other larger

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