Pros And Cons Of A Representative Democracy

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This essay follows the question on “types of democracy” and its pros and cons. Democracy is known to be a political system that is practiced by countries all over the world. The word democracy itself came from a Greek word, ‘demokratia’ which literally means ‘people-power’ (Cartledge, 2011). In a democratic country, it is believed that the citizens are the main backbone of the country in which they are the highest authority in making political decisions. However, in my opinion, Andrew Heywood cited that even “ ‘rule of the people’ does not define democracy entirely.(Heywood, 2013) There are various ways in defining democracy such as democracy as an idea of equality and liberty. Nevertheless, to what extend does freedom exist in a democratic country? For example, back during the ancient times, the Greeks practiced democracy but their definition of ‘the people’ were only limited to men whom were born in Greece, aged above 20 and are free from slavery. It is questioned if the people of a democratic country in this era do get equality or are there still minorities being oppressed and unheard? Therefore, it is suggested that there is no certain meaning of democracy. In this essay I would explain on…show more content…
This form of democracy is a distinct opposite of direct democracy of which I will explain in further details later. Furthermore, the elected representatives will then form an independent legislature that holds the responsibility to act in accordance to the need of the nation. An example of a state that practices representative democracy would be United Kingdom. Every 5 years, power is given by the people through an election all across Britain in which to vote for those who will be given the opportunity to represent them in the Parliament ( 2014). According to the website, it is

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