Benjamin Rush Thoughts Upon Women's Education

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Since then, there has been a substantial distinction for ladies in view of their disparities in their role in society. In this case, women were determining to get some education to perform their duties to both family and country at the time of American Revolution. This Revolution brought a big impact because women had a higher opportunity for education. The post revolution promoted the idea that all citizens needed some education to participate and contribute to general public good. In addition, women should also be well educated in order to have the ability to prepare their children for their responsibilities. The late seventeenth-century essays of Benjamin Rush, one of the leaders of Revolutionary movement, and Judith Sargent Murray, an early…show more content…
The increased expectations and the limits to new ideas regarding women’s education were described I Benjamin Rush’s essay “Thoughts upon Female Education (1787),” in which he details the demanded training for both men and women for the comprehension of the fundamental standards of popular government. According to Rush, the states of property in America provide the obligation for the greatest part of the citizen to get the opportunities to employ themselves . Female members of the community brought a big assistance to them. They served as a “stewards and guardians of the property of their husbands.” Education should "be conducted upon the principles very different from what it is in Great Britain." For example, in Great Britain, being a servant was considered a 'regular occupation," but in America, being a servant "is the usual retreat of unexpected indigence." This shows that ladies in America had more obligations than the ladies from Great Britain. One American lady said, “ They are good servants who will do well with good looking after” It explicates that it should have great influence upon the female education in…show more content…
Benjamin Rush believed that the proper education of women would add to the general inspiring of the ethics and behavior of the nation. He indicated the limits to new ideas about women’s education. He promoted curriculum for women including “Geography, bookkeeping, reading, and arithmetic and omitted the traditional female accomplishment of needlework.” But he did not recommend some curriculum for women such as “advanced mathematics, natural philosophy, or Latin and Greek” because these subjects remained the trademark for only educated men. In addition, Judith Sargent Murray believed that “education would help women to be self reliant and self supporting” She assumed that male and female “should be taught to depend on their own efforts, for the procurement of an establishment in life.” She also stated that women’s minds are the same as men. Ladies therefore should get good education as

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