Agriculture In Kenya Essay

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In our changing world, pressures on agriculture are both global and local in scale and multiple pressures interact in complex ways. Kenya has the greatest and most diversified economy in East Africa. Yet, 56.8% of Kenyans live beneath the poverty line (Chuma et al. 2006) and more than 6.9 million were food poor in 2005/06 e.g. expenditures were too little to meet their nutritional needs, (Leite 2015). Agriculture is the foundations of Kenya’s economy, and improving private, small-scale farms is imperative to a sustainable, poverty-reduced future. Overall, seventy-five percent of Kenya’s population obtain a share of their livelihoods from agriculture (Smalley & Corbera 2012), including livestock and pastoral farming. Of this seventy-five…show more content…
Because agriculture is a business, Kenyan farmers need skills and resources in order to prosper. Agriculture is the second largest contributor to Kenya's gross domestic product (GDP), after the service industry. Agriculture, including forestry and fishing, accounted for 24% of the GDP (Assessment 2005) in 2005, as well as 70% of revenue from exports (Kabubo-Mariara & Karanja, 2007). Horticultural goods and tea are the main growth sectors and the most profitable of Kenya's exports (Mekonnen et al.…show more content…
The objective is to show a community how they can farm and maintain their lands in a sustainable and profitable fassion. Research questions: (1) What is the current level of awareness that locals have on modern sustainable agricultural practices and their benefits? (2) What are the impacts that sustainable agricultural practices will have on the productivity of local farms? Hypothesis: (1) Local farmers and residents are unaware of the benefits that modern agricultural practices carry. (2) Modern agricultural practices will have a positive impact on crop yields and productivity of arid-semiarid farms. (3) The livelihoods of locals will be positively impacted by sustainable farming

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