Essay On ESL Teacher

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My English teacher, Ms. Fox, helped me overcome my fear of reading, which helped me develop a passion for reading books; she helped me believe that I can master reading if I tried. I would also develop how it as well would be an important skill that will help me within time. I had been taking ESL (English as a second language) classes from first grade to fifth grade. I was happy to say that I will no longer be in ESL class because due to my recent evaluation from my ESL teacher I have been improving in mastering the English language. I knew I was no longer going to get the support from my ESL teacher; I would be on my own. I wanted to prove myself that my ESL teacher wasn't mistaken in her decision because she had faith in me. If my ESL teacher thought I was ready to take a regular language arts class then I also believed that I was ready. I came to believe this was true because I knew that I was taking in more information and my vocabulary was expanding every day. At first, I thought it was going to be a good transition from my ESL to a regular 6th grade English class, but I felt I was behind. In my class schedule, I would be taking a regular English with Ms. Fox, and I had plans to show my ESL teacher that I would no longer have problems reading, but this…show more content…
"Was I finally caught in forging my father’s signature in my reading log?" was the first thing that popped into my head. I knew if I was caught I was already thinking of several excuses to hide my wrongdoing. First, I would say my o father didn’t pay attention when I was so called reading in my room and so I would sign for him. Which happened once or twice, but I stopped reading my part of 30 minutes a day for almost half my reading log sheet. At first, I thought it was going to be a good transition from my ESL to a regular 6th grade English class, but by this time it was more I obvious I was falling
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