Political Parties Definition

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Definition of political parties Any political party wishes to gain control of the government, the main roles of political parties include grooming of politicians for the electoral contest and government formation, providing civic education to the public, aggregating policy preferences, articulating and representing societal interests and demands of the people from all walks of life, and developing policies platforms to persuade the voters and gain their support. As Giovanni Sartori said, he definite political party as ‘any political group that presents at elections and is capable of placing through elections, candidates for public office’. Political parties are one of the principals and unavoidable characteristics of a tolerant democracy.…show more content…
We will use different perspectives to explain the differences between them. Difference of scale Political parties are larger than pressure groups comparatively. The Political party is normally a huge organization of people, sometimes of several million voters and other citizens. It disperses to all the different or area of society but a pressure group is relatively a small group of people with some specific common interests. Thus, the political parties have a large membership to support their decision than the pressure groups. Different structures of organization Political parties are organized by a group of people with similar political ideology or political ideas. The members of the political party always base their policies, agendas, and activities on the propositions of ideologies what they support. However, pressure group also means the interest group. The specific interests are normally the basis of the formation of a pressure group. It is organized by the people for the promotion of same interests which can be promoted by the members through reciprocal cooperation and make…show more content…
The Pro-establishment camp has mentioned that a political alignment in Hong Kong which usually supports the policies of the Beijing government to Hong Kong. In the ideology of policies, the Pro-establishment camp and the Opposition camp are in the confronting positions. The major political parties of the Pro-establishment camp are Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, Liberal Party etc. The Opposition camp refers to the politicians in Hong Kong who don’t align with the Pro-establishment camp. They can divide into Pro-democracy camp (Pan-democracy camp and Self-determination groups), Localist groups and Moderate groups. Their aims are different of the Pro-establishment camp which is checking and balancing the government but the Pro-establishment camp emphasize to support the Central people's government. (Ngok,

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