English Language Motivation

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education King Faisal University Graduation Project First Draft Motivations of Learning English as a Second Language in Fortieth High School in Riyadh City Name: Ebtesam Zayed Al-Zahrani Academic Number: 212597671 Under the supervision of: Dr. Zahraa Elshahat Table of Content Page Number Section 3 Abstract 3 Introduction 3,4,5 Literature Review 5 Significance of Research 5 Research Questions 6 Research Methodology 6 Ethical Considerations 6 Limitations of the study 7 Results 8 References 9 Append ix Abstract* This study aims to identify motivations of learning English as a second language in Fortieth High School in Riyadh City. The researcher used an electronic…show more content…
These components are: the learner, the teacher and the curriculum. When we say the learner, we mean his characteristics such as aptitude, intelligence and motivation. Foreign language educators and researchers started to investigate the role of the learner in the last two or three decades. All the studies so far have testified to the importance of three individual variables in learning second/foreign languages especially in formal learning contexts. These variables are aptitude, intelligence and motivation. Aptitude and intelligence are the least subject to change, and English educators cannot do anything about them. Motivation is a learned and changing characteristic of the learner that can be affected by many variables, such as the learner's needs, age, social environment, socio-cultural factors, beliefs and other factors. This study will identify the motivations of learning English as a second language in Fortieth High School in Riyadh City in Saudi Arabia . Using a specially modified, Likert-type questionnaire that suits the purpose of this study, and 50 subjects from three age groups. this study will analyze these motivations in different grade levels. Literature…show more content…
Most of them like English classes and care to get high marks in English. All the sample believe that that good English speaking offer them a good career in the future, and a large amount of them think that learning English will help them in university. A very high percentage are trying to learn English by themselves and watching programs and movies in English, also the are trying to practice what they have studied in school at home. Some of the students think that their English teachers are not good enough, while some of them try to speak in English with their teachers. A medium percentage care to read English books in their free time. In the short answer question " Do you think learning English is important? Why?", the answers were 100% "yes". To explain the reason , most of them think that because it is an international language and it can help to communicate all over the world. Also, the think that it is necessary in different aspects of life. Some of them give reasons related to good careers, using technology and social

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