Essay On Bacteria And Bacteria

722 Words3 Pages
Bacteria and Fungi are both very diverse groups of organisms and have numerous characteristics which set them apart from other living creatures. The domain bacteria possess traits which differentiate themselves from other organisms for example bacteria have prokaryotic cells, which means that their cells lack a nucleus, instead, they contain a nucleoid which contains a single circular chromosome. Additionally, bacteria do not have membrane-bound organelles, but most do have a cell wall made of peptidoglycan which is critical to a bacteria’s survival. In addition to varying cellular structures, bacteria also vary in the method by which they acquire nutrition. Bacteria can be either autotrophic, meaning they are able to produce nutrients by themselves, or they can be heterotrophic, which allows them to obtain energy from their environment. Lastly, bacteria can affect humans in various ways, certain bacteria, called pathogens, are harmful to the human body and cause infection or disease. These pathogenic, or harmful, bacteria cause diseases such as…show more content…
Located in the domain Eukarya, the cells of a fungus contain a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Similar to human cells, the cells of a fungus also have paired chromosomes and are much larger when compared to a prokaryotic cell. Unlike human cells, fungi are made of hyphae, which are fibrous branching filaments. Fungi also have a cell wall; however, their cell walls are composed of chitin, instead peptidoglycan. Fungi are heterotrophs, which means they consume nutrients from their environment. Similar to bacteria, fungi can have both beneficial and harmful effects. Fungi may cause diseases such as ringworm, athlete’s foot, or valley fever, but they can also have a positive effect on the human body by acting as a source of nutrition, fungi species such as shiitake mushrooms and truffles can be used as food by

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