Two Toed Sloth Research Paper

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Won Kim Ms.Lytle American Literature 8 29/April/2015 Sloth Sloth is one of the slowest animals in the world. The movements of sloths are known by every person who has seen them move extremely slow. Actually, there are so many kinds of sloth but they can all fall into two categories: Three-toed sloths and two-toed sloths. There is a main standard can be used to distinguish between them. It is not difficult for others to see the differences because one has two toes on its forelimbs and the other has three. Except that two-toed is little bigger than three-toed sloth. However, it is so ambiguous to distinguish them for obvious reason because they share many of the same features. They both lives in similar habitats, which indicate their staple…show more content…
Sloths feed on mostly Ceropia trees, Dipteryx Panamensis, Sapium Caudatum, Terminalia Amazonica, and Spondius Nigrescens. These tough leaves in a sloth’s diet are very difficult to digest. First, the sloth chews its food for long time to break it. Second, they swallow thoese pieces through four parts of stomach, where bacteria help to break down the food even more. Although they have four-part stomach, it usually takes a month for them to digest one meal. The way they conserve energy is by keeping the food in their stomach. Two-thirds of its body weight consists of content in its stomach.( )Their teeth were highly adapted to chew leaves. For example, adult sloths have 10 upper teeth and 8 lower teeth, besides their tongue are almost as long as giraffe. People would think vegetable could provide all the energy people need to survive, however it is a different story when environments are not safe. Also, leaves cannot provide enough nutritious, so they don’t get enough energy from it. Water is required for every animal to live. Sloths get their water from the leaves they eat, and remain self-sustain. Their digesting system and diet is quite weird, it kept them alive from starving to

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