S. Marcescens Experiment

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Determining whether 10⁰C, 30⁰C, and 60⁰C is the optimal temperature for appropriate S. marcescens growth and prodigiosin production. S. marcescens is the organism worked with in this lab. Temperature, salinity, oxygen requirements, carbon source, and pH were the conditions tested. The characteristics that were studied using the five conditions were the growth of S. marcescens in relation to prodigiosin production over a period of three hours. Senaite Tewolde-Mesfin Professor Eaton BIO 101-Lab 24 October 2014 Abstract: In this experiment, S. marcescens was the organism we worked with. As S. marcescens grows, it produces a red-pigmented secretion called prodigiosin. Its gram-negative characteristic makes it easier to spot prodigiosin. It is located under the domain Bacteria and it falls into the family of Enterobacteriacaea .We tested it with the temperatures of 10⁰C, 30⁰C, and 60⁰C. Carbon sources consisted of regular a nutrient broth, a nutrient…show more content…
marcescens as well as for the production of prodigiosin. The absorbance of light in which collectively resulted in the optical growth in regards to salinity, was 0.1% but for prodigiosin the data were so similar that, a range was provided instead from1.0%-3.0%. PH concentration was defined as being optimal at 7 for S. marcescens but declined as it started to gain more hydroxide and less hydrogens and that together made pH for prodigiosin production 11. Both characteristics were able to fully and successfully express themselves, through growth, when oxygen wasn’t present. Maltose can be synthetically created through the process of heating the medium and the adding of a strong acid. This is interesting because the optimal carbon source was maltose for both characteristics. The data supports the fact that maltose consists of a disaccharide made up of two glucose molecules, that makes it more of a better option that the other nutrient

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