Essay About My High School Journey

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Melissa O'Mara RMHS My High School Journey Throughout my 4 years of high school at Rolling Meadows I have overcome many challenges and made many self accomplishments. Freshman year all I was worried and cared about was my grades because I heard stories of past freshman pushing off grades their first year and regretting it later on but I told myself I would not be like that. My grades have always have came first, before friends and activities that is. All 4 years of school and all the classes came challenges for me math was never an easy class for me. Even with all the work I put into the class my end grade would never be higher than an grade of a C. My senior year I wanted to change that so I pushed myself more than I thought…show more content…
As years went on I felt like I could do more activities to be part of the school on top of being in show choir all 4 years. Another activity I decided to try out for is my school’s musical with the help of my friends too. I had a fear of going to auditions but after my first one and getting to know how the auditions work I became less worried. After getting into my first musical I realized how much fun I was and I continued to be apart of musical for my last two years at RMHS. Another activity I tried out for was our dance troupes Jazz and Modern. I was always worried that there was someone better than me but there always is but I put my heart into the audition and when I got accepted I was so happy which also made me continue for another year after. Yes there maybe things you get into and some auditions you may be told no not this year it was a learning experience I'm glad to have because it made me stronger for next audition. Other activities I'm involved in are AcaBellas, V-Show and choir. It is shown that I really like the fine arts but I still put my grades before any activity that I am included

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